Ecological farming vs organic farming – what is the difference?

organic farming vs ecological farming differences

Organic farming and ecological farming mean the same for many of us. However, it is worth knowing that there are significant differences between these two terms. Find out how organic farming differs from ecological farming.

What is organic farming?

Organic farming is a term protected by law. It can only be used to describe products with a European trademark, ecolabel or Ecocert label.

In order for a farm to be classified as producing organic farming, it must meet the following requirements:

  • No use of chemical pesticides.
  • No use of artificial fertilizers.
  • No use of genetically modified seeds.
  • Responsible use of energy and natural resources.

The ecolabel is associated with more restrictive requirements than the European eco-label. The latter places emphasis on environmental friendliness and animal welfare. The ecolabel also imposes requirements on energy consumption, packaging, social aspects, and fair trade.

What is organic farming?

Organic cultivation is cultivation resembling organic farming in many ways. However, this term means something else. Organic farming goes further, taking into account the entire ecosystem and only following the natural life cycle. The organic grower, for example, should use waste compost. Examples of activities undertaken by organic farmers include:

  • Minimizing waste production.
  • Recycling of generated waste (organic waste is placed on a compost pile).
  • Planting vegetation around the crops increases the welfare of bees, forest birds, etc.

Thans to organic farming, we can eat organic bananas and other tasty food.

Organic fertilizers

There are special fertilizers dedicated to organic farming available on the market. An increasing number of companies specialize in their production. You will find many plant nutrients, growth promoters, organic fertilizers, and plant strengtheners on the market that are suitable for organic growing.

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